Bravo are offering sponsorship of the Serie A -2005- 2006 Italian football season. Sponsor over 14 hours of football per week.
Bravo is offering full coverage sponsorship of the 2005-2006 Italian football season. Every week during the season there will be @14 hours of football per week with a live game, a recorded game shown 'as live' and Gazzetta which includes full highlights of the week's games. James Richardson, made famous from Channel Four's coverage of Football Italia, will be the face of football on Bravo.
By sponsoring this Programme you can associate with one of the strongest brands on Multi channel television. Opportunity to create a brand experience.
Sponsoring a programme allows an advertiser to place a series of short credit sequences (which ids can help create), featuring their logo and a commercial message, in and around a programme with a target audience or brand association an advertiser aspires to attract.
This is a new opportunity for this show - however sport sponsorship is a well proven mechanic.
By sponsoring this Programme you can associate with one of the strongest sport brands on Multi channel television. Create awareness and frequency for your brand with a highly targeted, football loving audience There is an opportunity to extend your brands communication by Interactive elements, from competition spots, creating dedicated web pages.
An advertisement can now let viewers request brochures, ask for samples, get a call back or have an extended brand experience, all from the comfort of their armchairs and within a few clicks of the red button.