The opportunity provides a brand with the chance to own the warm up to the much anticipated football season on ESPN.
Sky Media and ESPN are pleased to offer brands the unique chance to sponsor the ESPN Summer of football in its entirety. This channel sponsorship runs from 1st July - 6th August. The opportunity means a brand can own the warm up to the much anticipated football season on ESPN. ESPN brings you a fantastic selection of Live British, European and international sports. With a line-up that includes the Barclays Premier League and the Clydesdale Bank Premier League we're sure there will be something for every fan.
Reach approximately 1.4 million adults across this male orientated channel.
Sponsorship shall include the following accreditation: 2x15 second sponsorship bumper at the start and end of each show. 6x5 second sponsorship break bumpers per show. Logo accreditation on the ESPN website. Scheduling shall take place across ESPN and ESPN HD from the 1st of July 2012 - 6th August 2012 with every game repeated at least once.
Please contact Mike Murphy for details of previous sponsors via the contact details tab above.
ESPN has a monthly reach of 2.6m individuals. Build brand awareness with an interested 'appointment to watch' audience. Premium brand association with the ESPN brand. A very male oriented channel with men accounting for nearly 70% of all viewers.