Opportunity to sponsor a selection of films and create own film season to promote brand
Sponsor a tailored selection of films to fit in with an advertiser’s objectives. For example, 'Adventure film season' brought to you by Land Rover. Screening previously released films in the format they were originally made for, giving cinemagoers a chance to see films they missed again or their favourite films on the big screen. Previous Seasons have proved incredibly popular especially when partnered with a third party.
Able to fit advertiser's objectives by selecting specific films to reach their target audience.
Odeon Cinemas. One screening per week , 4 wk Season/evening performance with a capacity of 26,000. 10,000 free tickets for sponsor to distribute and subsidised ticket price for those turning up on the day. Promoted using on screen slides, counter cards (Foyer traffic for 4 wks, Est 1,800,000) Est Cost: £120,000 Gross. Picture House Cinemas. Weekday screening, 4 wk Season/evening performance with a capacity of 8,400, 5,000 free tickets for sponsor to distribute and a subsidised ticket price. Promoted using counter cards in foyer. Est Cost: £80,000
Audi (see attached case study), Bailey's and San Miguel
Advertisers are able to target a perfect audience at a perfect time, in the perfect environment. Cinemagoers are in the perfect mindset, participating in an activity they enjoy and choose, while being relaxed and focused. Also the average party size is 3 people, creating word of mouth amongst peers and family.