Integrated sponsorship of the highest profile page on the UK's largest commercial sports site. is the largest commercial sports site in the UK regularly attracting 6 million unique users per month. 85% of this audience is male of which 56% are18-34. can offer an advertiser the standout branding placements and unique interactive solutions on this property.The opportunity is therefore to reach a significant number of a difficult to reach male demographic through high quality sporting content, using flexible placements with strong calls to action.
To communicate with a large 18-34 male audience through a dominant bespoke creative solution.
Over 50% of UK households now have an internet connection while many people have access in their place of employment. In terms of advertising budgets spent, Online is currently larger than the Cinema, Outdoor and Radio markets and continuing to grow.The reason for all of this is that the internet is a valuable source of constantly updated material, in case across all major UK sports. Online currency is the page impression, which is one viewing of a fully downloaded page by a user.
Campaigns are reported in terms of page impressions and responses / clicks.
More and more advertisers are using the medium, some for purely branding purposes others for direct response purposes or a combination of both. In terms of the majority of advertisers trying to target a predominantly AB 16-34 year old demograph have and are continuing to use the site. The largest spending sectors are telecos (Vodafone, O2, Orange, T-Mobile), automotive, (Ford, GM, VAG, Peugeot, BMW, Nissan), travel (BA, VA, Lufthansa), entertainment (UIP, Columbia Tri-Star, Fox, EA, Eidos), electrical (Sony, Philips, Samsung) and sporting goods (Nike, Adidas) originates unique up to the minute content. Sky Sports recognisable personalities (Jeff Stelling, Chris Kamara, Stuart Barnes, Dewi Morris etc) also write daily and weekly columns, while the site has developed a number of innovative applications for users; Live Score Centre, Sports Alert and streamed content. The Football Home Page is the page which attracts the greatest number of users, a sponsorship on this page offers the greatest reach and coverage across the site. The medium is accountable with creative electronically measured.