Situated at the till, our medium provides unrivalled cut-through in the retail environment.
Premium retail lightboxes, ranging in width from 1m to 6m. The panels are mounted at the top of sales gantries owned and operated by Gallaher Limited and offer penetration of the major UK supermarkets, including all store formats across Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury's and Morrison's. Also massive coverage across convenience stores, petrol forecourts and the coveted CTN environment.
1. Propinquity: having your brand message in front of the consumer at the very moment their purchasing decision is made. In the right place at the right time. Essentially, Recency planning.
2. Population reach: huge footfall = massive branding opportunity.
3). Long-term campaigns strongly associate the brand with the environment.
Nothing else in the market gets your message closer to the real point of purchase. Backlight ensures standout in the invariably cluttered retail environment. The message provides an immediate call to action and with longevity can work towards influencing and ultimately changing consumer buying habits.
VISA took advantage of this Media First between February and May 2006. They utilised part of our convenience store portfolio in order to influence card usage for purchases under £30: this is part of their worldwide campaign and the synergy between their strategy and our medium secured the investment.
* The closest medium to the real point of purchase. Harness benefits of Recency Planning.
* All panels solus & backlit.
* Very high levels of compliance: 97% guaranteed.
* Opportunity to reach virtually every shopper in the UK - All Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury's & Morrison's formats, plus 50% of CTN & 80% Petrol Forecourt environments.