Cross media and data capture opportunities across football, rugby, cricket, netball, lacrosse and hockey sport club sites
There are over 10,000 teams signed up to and through PERFORM you can access every one of them for a broad reach campaign targeting active sports men and women or target individual sports or players in certain positions for a more targeted campaign.
Access a mass active sports audience through a network of grass roots sports club websites. This is a unique opportunity to target sports participants and is a must for all sports brands.
Pitchero is a platform that enables sports clubs to build a free website using their own domain name and site theme. The club benefits from having a professional looking website, whilst Pitchero generates a huge database of sports clubs through which they in turn generate revenue via advertising generated by PERFORM.
The Ryman's and Evo Stick semi-professional football leagues use the Pitchero platform for every team in the divisions, which is testament to the quality of the site.
Carlsberg, McDonald's, Powerade, Lucozade, Maximuscle, Nike, Addidas and many more.
10,000 sports clubs and 3.5 million active sports men and women can be accessed through a single buying point. Pitchero can give you access to the masses through football, and help you target those difficult to reach more niche audiences like hockey and lacrosse.
The site has a multitude of flexible opportunities to create a bespoke campaign just for you.