Test market opportunities across the Chrysalis Radio portfolio for new brands to radio
Chrysalis Radio welcomes the opportunity to introduce new brands to radio and will work with clients to ensure that their first experience of radio / Chrysalis is a pleasant and rewarding one.
There are number of options available, most of which can be tailored to suit target market, budget and objectives dependent upon the brand.
The options range from commercial airtime, award winning creative, targeted sponsorship and promotions, off air, mobile and web activity, bespoke research and integated CRM initiatives, all of which are accountable and can be measured against ROI.
A number of clients have taken advantage of the test market opportunites, including Page and Moy, California Raisins and Danone Shape Water.
Completely bespoke ideas making the most of the radio medium.
A good introduction to the use of radio for brands unfamiliar with the medium, backed up by research to quantify the effect of the activity.