MADE will transform shop shutters into premium advertising spaces with the aid of innovative and creative street art.
MADE will transform shop shutters into premium advertising spaces. We will recruit venues in high footfall locations with suitable shutters to use as a canvas to display brand creative / logo.
Through Shutter Art, MADE use urban hotspots to reach your target audience in a new and refreshing way.
Shops are recruited that are located within the target audience lifestyle circles and next to stockist so highly targeted.
To reach the target audience within their lifestyle circles.
To communicate with target audience in a leisure environment.
To create word of mouth and generate a buzz.
To generate sales
1st Option: Background of shutters cleaned and painted first. Stencils produced, artists paint through stencils or free hand paint. Artists return shutters to original condition post-campaign.
2nd Option: Vinyl printed - the advertising canvas is made from a PVC flame retardant material which is impossible to tear, and easy to clean off any graffiti.
3rd Option: Customised overlay on the shutter (tailored to fit), this gets fixed onto the shutter. Lighting and sound effects and be added with sensors for extra effect.
Brahma Beer and Man City/Umbro have used MADE Shutter Art in the past.
It is highly targeted and will be widely seen by the target audience as it will interupt their daily lives. In urban areas it has a rebellious graffiti edge to it. It is an effective way of communicating your message. Generates PR and word of mouth; to raise awareness, create intrigue and desire for consumer to act.