TV Ads with simple data capture can offer a great opportunity to drive an accountable ROI from your advertising.
Interactive advertising makes your TV ads work harder. Impulse response is the simplest and most cost efficient form of interactive advertising. In 8.4 million Sky digital homes you can add an interactive red button response mechanism to your TV ads as an alternative response to phone, web or sms. It's an immediate and convenient way for a viewer to respond via the remote control doing away with the need to remember a phone number or web address. It usually takes around 3 weeks to get an impulse response campaign to air once the design is finished.
You don't need to change your TV ad in any way; we just broadcast the call to action over the top. It's important that the call to action is clear e.g. For an Information Pack Press RED or To arrange a call back Press RED. Pressing red triggers a series of data capture boxes to appear over the ad. The advertiser can then ask the viewer up to 9 questions. Once a viewer has responded, we batch up the responses, including the name and address taken from Sky's own subscriber database, and email them daily or up to every 10mins to a designated fulfilment house.
A large number of advertisers have used impulse response (IR), whats great is that 70% repeat book, in fact Computeach has been running constantly for over 2 years. It is usually the product of choice for DRTV advertisers, although it has been used to add a DM or a competition element to brand campaign. IR is used most amongst the Finance sector; we have run campaigns for ING Direct, Amex and National Accident etc. The Motor sector is 2nd with advocates such as Toyota, Chrysler and Seat. 3rd is the Travel sector, such as Direct Holidays, Walt Disney, Sandals & Wales TB
Interactive advertising increases your ROI by often doubling responses levels for very little additional investment therefore lowering your overall CPR. IA is fully measurable and accountable - we know which spot generated each response! We always hear from clients that the red button does not cannibalise phone responses, in fact in most cases it increases them, probably by holding the telephone number on screen for longer. Currently all interactive ads on Sky channels are booked into the desirable last in break position.