Use an interactive element to add another dimension to your TV advertising. Run long form content, games, sampling offers etc
In Digital homes Channels, Programmes and Ads can be interactive. Viewers press the red button to enhance their viewing experience. 64% of the Sky Digital base use interactive services every month. Why not add an extra dimension to your TV advertising to add stand out in a constantly fragmenting media environment. In 8.4 million Sky digital homes we can broadcast a red button overlay to a TV ad that offers the viewer something extra should they choose to interact - in effect this is access to an advertisers very own channel.
brand awareness, engagement, increase propensity purchase, brand trial, information, explanation, demonstration
Sky will build and broadcast to your specification a ‘DAL’ - a Dedicated Advertiser Location. A DAL is a channel built to your requirements. It can host a game, more information, extended video footage or just static images and audio tracks. Once in the interactive space the viewer can spend as long as they wish and we see people spending on average between 3 and 13 minutes in a DAL depending on the content. The DAL can also collate names and addresses of competition entrants, sample requestors, people wanting money off vouchers, test drives etc.
80% of the top 50 ad spenders in the UK have used interactive advertising in some form. Brands like VW, Honda, Ford and Daimler Chrysler use DALs as a car showroom and offer easy test drive and brochure request. Film companies like Warners, UIP, BVI and Fox utilse DALs as trailer channels without encountering the cost of buying extended spot lengths. Big brand such as Adidas have lots of out takes from the making of their fantastic TV ads that they broadcast in DALs to engage the viewer. Advertisers like P&G use DALs to sample the brand, HSBC and KitKat creatively.
Interactive advertising is measurable and therefore accountable and delivers fantastic effects on the brand and return on investment. We can analyse actual responses in every way possible. We use trackers to measure reach (soon to be replaced by Sky View data) and we can set up bespoke research with Continental, amongst other partners, to measure the effect of interacting on brand and ad awareness, brand perception and propensity to purchase. All this is measured against TV ad viewers and non TV ad viewers. We can compare you results against our database of learnings.