Magazines' particular ability to communicate can be exploited by advertisers' brands and can boost campaign performance
Brands must engage with their consumers in order to succeed. In a changing media environment it is not enough just to grab consumers attention. Consumers are gaining more control of their exposure to advertising and will ignore the unsolicited and irrelevant. Because of the way they are bought and used, the relationship between magazine and reader means that magazines share the characteristics of a close friend. These attributes are becoming increasingly important in successful communication.
Engaging consumers in today's prolific media environment to communicate brand information and boost awareness and sales.
See the attached report for details.
Readers see magazine advertising as a fundamental part of their media consumption. The nature of the reading experience and the control that consumers have on their exposure to advertising means there are no issues with clutter, proximity or competitive activity in the same issue of a magazine - unlike other types of media consumption. Effective communication means magazines deliver results. The magnitude of the improvement is hard to over-emphasise and underlines the fundamental power of magazine communication, with its resulting boost to awareness and sales effects.