Advertise in cinema foyer to maximise the full cinema environment to promote your brand
To take advantage of the dynamic possibilities of cinema advertising by using foyer promotions, ranging from posters, standees, blue tooth, ticket stubs, concessions, bathrooms and sampling.
To improve brand awareness, launch a new product, improve brand perceptions and increase purchase intention.
Cinemagoers have an average dwell time of 21 minutes in the foyer. High levels of activity while in the foyer leads to high awareness of foyer advertising. By including foyer advertising, spontaneous ad recall, brand perceptions, and brand purchase intention all increase.
Intel (see attached case study), Peroni, Sony Ericsson, and Samsung.
Foyer advertising targets a perfect audience at a perfect time, in the perfect environment. Active mindset: Over 50% plan to see a film at the cinema at least a week in advance. Cinemagoers are participating in an activity they enjoy and choose while being relaxed and focused. High traffic: Over 3.5m cinemagoers go through cinema foyers every week. Dwell Time: The average cinemagoers spend 21 minutes in the foyer. Environment: Modern and spacious areas Shared: The average party size is 3, creating word of moth between family and friends.