Lil-lets is a well established brand, and had not advertised on TV since 2003 so IDS offered an ideal bespoke UKTV Style/Home.
Lil-lets is a well established brand, having launched over 50 years ago. Lil-lets is the number one non-applicator tampon brand in the UK and also has a range of applicator tampons. Lil-lets had not advertised on TV since 2003, and thought it timely to communicate with women about its tampon range, and establish the 'Trust Lil-lets to understand' strapline in the minds of
consumers. Lil-lets also wanted to keep the brand top of mind, encourage loyalty amongst 25-44 year old users and ultimately drive sales.
The main campaign objective was to establish the 'Trust Lil-lets to understand' strapline in the minds of consumers. In addition to this Lil-lets also wanted to keep the brand front of mind, encourage sustained loyalty amongst 25-44 year old users and ultimately drive new and established sales.
UKTV Style offers a unique mix of lifestyle, DIY, fashion and parenting programmes. Female UKTV Style viewers aged 25-44 are more likely to be heavy consumers of tampons than younger women, and UKTV Style provided the perfect fit for Lil-lets. ids offered a bespoke package on UKTV Style especially created for Lil-lets. Lil-lets became the sponsor of the 'Your Life' strand which included 'Spendaholics'. The partnership was also taken online, with competitions and editorial features running on the UKTV Style website, which also directed users to Lil-lets' own site.
To measure the success of the activity, an independent threewave campaign awareness study was conducted with a sample of 16-54 aged women aged interviewed via an online survey. Unprompted recall of the brand increased by 29% and the proportion of women using Lil-lets 'most often' rose by 91% - more than any other tampon brand. Post-campaign respondents were 30% more likely to consider visiting the website and 20,000 entries were received for the 3 competitions. Brand perceptions saw positive shifts post advertising & there was a 10% rise in future purchases from respondents
The return to TV after a four year absence was a huge success and the sponsorship was seen by over 4m women. Spontaneous unprompted brand recall saw a massive 29% increase from pre to post campaign and prompted awareness was higher than for any other tampon brand. There was also a significant 91% rise in women who stated that they use Li-lets 'most often'. UKTV Style was the perfect fit with the Li-let target audience and it was the ideal environment to shift brand perceptions and provide information about the product to a new and existing audience.