Sandwich bags offer post code targeting for a call center recruitment campaign.
When Insurance giant Norwich Union was planning a recruitment drive for call centre operatives at it's heqd office, it's overall objective was to promote awareness of the employment opportunity to local residents. They were looking to attract first timers, experienced staff and return to work applicants. They also needed to ensure that applicants responded to their message, so the sandwich bag design carried salary details and a hotline number.
The objectives were to raise awareness of a new employment opportunity, attract the residents, current workforce, school-leavers and unemployed within the catchment to respond to it. To promote response to the bag advertisement, by providing a hotline number. To ensure that the message could be seen repeatedly over a period of 6 weeks. To give the potential new workforce time to make their decission to call.
The bags were branded with a different design on each side, firstly to attract the reader to the job opportunity and salery on offer and secondly to the hotline number and how to apply. After looking at the target area and our database of outlets, we decided on the best locations to maximise the visual impact of the campaign. We also produced A3 posters to increase the visual impact and ensure the message could be seen by passing street traffic, even when the outlets were closed.
The campaign was a great success and the call centre staff were recruited in sufficient numbers, however as with this type of recruitment and 'staff turn- over' the client was able to acheive a steady supply of applicants over the campaign period. We have arranged other recruitment campaigns for this and other clients.
The volume of sandwich bags per outlet was such that the campaign's duration was approx. 6 weeks. This allowed for potential staff to see the recruitment message over an extended period. Staff could make such an important decision about their career choice, during their working day and call the hotline number at their leasure.