See how Hovis used print and online newspapers plus TV to increase sales, penetration and emotional engagement
The challenge of the campaign was to re-establish Hovis as a legendary brand, central to British popular culture.
To re-establish the Hovis brand.
Hovis tapped into its rich emotional brand and advertising heritage to deliver a TV + newspaper partnership that built brand equity and delivered a strong sales response.
Newspapers generated a 4.2% immediate sales uplift; 3.9% post-campaign increase. Newspapers drove 7% penetration increase and 15% rise in trial.
Media multiplier effect causes 6.4% uplift during and 11.5% post for TV and newspapers combined. Emotional engagement boosted by 11% points. Adding newspapers delivers more than double the increase in brand involvement, compared with TV solus. Brand image significantly enhanced by TV plus newspapers.
"We've enjoyed working with the NMA and have found it a productive relationship. They helped provide some valuable feedback on our creative work through pre-testing and provided some fascinating insight on the powerful multiplier effect of a TV plus newspaper campaign." Jon Goldstone,
Marketing Director, Premier Foods.