Weekly business supplement in East Anglian Daily Times & online. Local & national news, features, diary, ads and events.
Business East supplement is printed every Tuesday in parent title the East Anglian Daily Times, run of paper pages appear in daily editions of EADT. News, editorial, advice and information on national and specifically local business. Features, awards, classifieds and advertising. Engage with the local business community. ABC J-D '09 73,491
Provide relevant and informative content to audience. Raise brand profile and interact with readership. Drive traffic to websites. Data collection. Sampling opportunities. Trial products. Increase market share.
Available as supplement in parent title in print from traditional and non traditional outlets and on-line as e-edition. Promoted by branding at relevant events, in appropriate features in parent and related titles, events eg. Local Business Awards. Subscription to parent title available in print and online.
Local businesses, recruitment agencies, advertisers, sponsors, national clients with a local site, solicitors, event promoters, accountants, estate agents, financial advisors.
This offers a good range of coverage from features, advertisements, sponsorships and the opportunity to engage with the audience. Brand awareness opportunities with promotions and competitions with data capture available. Coverage across Suffolk and North Essex with extended reach via e-edition on-line. Additional promotion from parent and sister titles and their associated websites. Benefit from branding and sponsorship opportunities.