A fantastic opportunity to be the first ever sponsor of one of the only fully high-definition television channels in the market.
Be the first exclusive sponsor of one of the few fully high-definition television channel in the market. The channel is up-market in nature and mirrors many Discovery Channel programming initiatives. It fulfils the promise of high-definition technology with breathtaking imagery and expansive detail. Example programming includes; Sunrise Earth, Whale Wars, Weird Creatures with Nick Baker, American Chopper, and Ways to Save the Planet.
Build brand awareness and be a leader in the sponsorship of HD television.
Sponsorship includes; 15" opener bumpers, 5" break bumpers, 15" Closer bumpers, 8 idents in 60 minutes, 60 seconds of accreditation in 60 minutes of programming and 720 hours of programming per month.
This is a new sponsorship and we look forward to working with a sponsor on this new and exciting proposition.
This opportunity allows you to own the entire channel: There are no other advertisers or sponsors on Discovery HD so it is a clean environment for you to get your message across. Some key Discovery channel content is simulcast on the HD channel. All programming could be accredited and promoted as 'Product X: Sponsors of Discovery HD'. The sponsorship is available throughout 2010.