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Bauer TV - 'Nights out for Nowt'

Provided by Bauer Media
This is a tailored campaign that will give ONE bank exposure within the key audience. Bauer offers exclusivity as part of this.

Tell us about the Opportunity / What is it?

Bauer TV will create short 2-5 minute vignettes acting as a guide, executed in a grainy, fun student-like fashion. It will highlight key places and their bargain offerings such as happy hour pricing, best places for a full English, weekend trips to the best university cities, etc. These shows can be edited down to 20" blipverts providing the viewer with some quick top tips. We will also include a promotion giving viewers a chance to win a bank account loaded with £1000 free cash, free entry into their local club for a year and a complete work station to get them started.

What is the Marketing Objective?

The idea is focused on guiding students on how to make the most of their money when enjoying days/nights out around different university cities. Each week the concept will be adapted to highlight different circumstances and how to make the most of what little money is left after their student loan is almost gone. With promotions and blipverts, the cover and recall is dramatically increased. The marketing objective is to ensure that your brand is top of the mind amongst students.

How does it work?

The vignettes align the brand within the music platform, subconsciously communicating to students that it is the best brand to choose for their 'educational journey.' Bauer TV will also create 60" promotions which will push and enhance interactivity with the brand while offering viewers the chance to win a fantastic prize. Blipverts will be made from the vignettes which will create more of a presence amongst the channels and increase recall. If chosen, these can also be played in student bars across the country by utilising 'Sub TV' (tbc).

Who's used it in the past?

We have done work with targeting students many times before. To date, we have not had a bank as a partner brand and feel that it is something that would benefit perception and purchase consideration in the long term. The reason being that most people tend to stay loyal to their bank. The only time they would be inclined to change is when they are opening a student account.

Features / Benefits

This includes: vignettes for 3 months, promotions for 3 months, blipverts for 3 months, prize and production.

printer friendly version
Guide PriceReach & FrequencyTarget AudienceMedia Types
£101k to £250kStudents aged 18+
16 - 24
25 - 34
LocationTimingsMarketing ObjectiveOpportunity Type
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