Access to over 1,000,000 targeted student emails across the UK with average open rates of 30% and CTR of 9%.
Unparalleled opportunity to build lasting impressions with over 2.5 million students, at source, on and off campus
A multi-channel Freshers' marketing campaign brings Lebara mobile success in the student market.
Record-breaking results: Highly targeted emails to students gives graduate recruiter highest web traffic ever.
Over 40,000 static and digital sites in highly targeted student locations on and off campus (inc. SUs, bus shelters, washrooms).
Mansion Group reach over 50,000 students and achieve record-breaking email click throughs of over 15%.
On-campus experiential campaign across UK universities boosts Wagamama's student sales by over 80%.
Access to one of the UK's largest networks of student brand ambassadors with presence at over 100 university campuses
Lucozade reveal the power of face-to-face experiential marketing and student sampling at official university Freshers' Fairs.
Banner, content-driven and affiliate opportunities across the UK's most-popular student websites with 5mil+ unique visitors p/m.
The UK's largest face-to-face research project on the student market, surveying over 6,000 students and 1,000 brands on freshers
Target Jobs increase awareness amongst students across the UK whilst significantly boosting student sign-ups
Access to peer-to-peer content sharing and sponsored posts via highly popular student pages & official Students' Union platforms